There are times,
Alone in me
I see so much.
My own shadow and I meet,
And I am loving,
And I am hurting
But only within me.
My silence talks back to me,
And promises are made,
And spring blossoming,
And I am a woman again.
Till I open my eyes,
And see that I am still stuck in the gray.
something i wrote in 2001
Alone in me
I see so much.
My own shadow and I meet,
And I am loving,
And I am hurting
But only within me.
My silence talks back to me,
And promises are made,
And spring blossoming,
And I am a woman again.
Till I open my eyes,
And see that I am still stuck in the gray.
something i wrote in 2001
That is agonizingly beautiful.
thank you frieda! do you really think so?!
i was 19 when i wrote it.
Loved it. i dont know why you wrote it, or whether you still fell that way, but baby, that was moving.
medusa: i will never stop feeling that way, methinks.
thankyou for your comment hough!
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