Monday, November 07, 2005

Oh Calcutta!

beat you to it P.


serendipiduous said...

how predictable of u to play to the cliches ...kolkata ...victoria memorial ...huh..

serendipiduous said...

am sorry didnt mean to sound nast though by makin this unnecessary apology i am being just that ...nasty!

concerned citizen said...

Hey ug.girl, Is this serendipiduous person being a jerk to you? I'll kill him on my cartoon, O.K.?

uglygirl said...

no no, he is a friend of mine and this is the way he speaks basically. he just cant help it...hee hee

serendipiduous said...

aww l>t would you please visit my blog and be a regular , i want to someone to fight my battles for me too!!! there i go again...stop it bitch...aghhh...sorry!!!