Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Hyderabad By Night!

the time now is 20th decemeber, 2005

1:44 in the afternoon.(time of post not of pic)


Nil said...

welcome back! i would have expected an aeroplane on the sky too!

medusa said...

velcome back ji.
how did u find my city? how is she doin'? how are the roads and etc?
i meant to ask but cdnt, can i out ur blog link on my site?

Nothings aplenty said...

hmm...i miss hyd.. *sigh*

uglygirl said...

ya medusa you can.

medusa said...

new posts please.

concerned citizen said...

I'm thinking of running away from home. How's India this time of the year?
Acually, I think I'll get on the Amtrak train travel the U.S.
Just want to hear your voice

uglygirl said...

its cool if not cold in most parts, and thus travelling will be easy for you um...and me.

White Lily Petals said...

hmm, i have been there a long time back..but really i loved to be there agin n again..remember the night of that "ring" movie...hmm i think those night we cant forget where we have spent a lot of time talking each other..sharing dreams